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EASTMED GAS aims to become a leading Natural Gas (LNG) exploration and production company. The company is currently building an extensive portfolio, on-shore and off-shore, with a strategic focus on the East Mediterranean region, committed to sourcing high-potential exploration opportunities. The company specialises in applying the latest seismic and processing techniques to maximise data quality and increase the chance of successful drillings.
EASTMED GAS is engaged with exploration and production activities, seeking areas where we can apply knowledge of our multi-discipline highly experienced team of professionals in order to reduce risk, replicate success and create value for shareholders.
EASTMED GAS believes in renewable energy and has committed to diversify 25% of its portfolio by 2030 in renewable energy fields such as technology, research and projects.
EASTMED GAS is committed to sustainability and its portfolio includes sustainable and green energy investments including Hydrogen and Natural Gas.
Our LNG and exploration activity
EASTMED GAS has committed to diversify 25% of its portfolio by 2030 in renewable energy fields such as research, technology and projects.
Soon we will provide updates on exciting new projects that we have been working on recently.
Building a
Sustainable Future

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